Sexy Butt

I started going through stacks of the initial fitness assessments from female clients I’ve trained, since 1992 – when I first started my personal training company…

While doing this, I uncovered something so insightful – so powerful – that I had to share it with you because it reveals the precise solution for the typical woman who is unhappy and depressed with the condition of her entire butt area. In the questionnaires I couldn’t help but notice how many women were listing some kind of desired improvement with their butt… It was something I never quite picked up during my full-time training days – I guess I was ‘too close to see it’… But even more surprising was this…
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Fortius Fitness Affiliate Program

(Unlike most product vendors who only credit you with commissions for only 1 [ONE] product). This means when you refer John to buy just ONE (1) of our products, you also get credited when John buys our other products inside 60 days. And most customers buys multiple products because they work together in synergy. Why don’t we just give you a one-time or one-off commission so that we can take evil advantage of you by following up with your visitors to buy our other products but not credit you with the sale?

We want you to make HUGE commissions from our affiliate program. When you make huge commissions => You’ll be motivated to promote our products hard => We sell more products => Our profits increase.
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Reveal The Steel™

Living not too far from the infamous Bondi beach in Sydney, Australia, from an early age I was subjected to the ‘Bronzed Aussie’ image. Being constantly surrounded by fit, active and good looking people, I found it was quite an image to live up to—and it was never my aim to do so. As a teenager, I played sports in high school, yes — but I was never an athlete. I was described as ‘lazy’ on and off the playing field (even by my own mother).

I’m by no means genetically gifted. My story is probably very similar to someone you know, or perhaps even your own.
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Best Boot Camp Workouts – A Boot Camp Coach’s Bible

Make Your Boot Camp Stand Out From the Rest! The Best Boot Camp Workouts program gives you 50+ workout formats that are more CREATIVE and more FUN than what your competitors are offering.

Trainers who want their boot camps to stand out from the rest. Trainers who want their classes to be more than glorified circuit training. Trainers who want their clients to keep coming back for years! (Most of mine have been with me for over 2.5 years.) Trainers who want to save gobs of their own time and energy!
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Create the body and life of your dreams, Master Fear forever, Turn stress into power. BLAST through your previous "personal bests" in  EVERY arena of your life –

For years you’ve seen books and courses about high-level sports psychology, hypnosis, visualization techniques that supposedly produce champions.  Well, wouldn’t you like to have the PRECISE program Coach Sonnon used to win FOUR gold medals in Las Vegas, against competition ten years younger and 100 pounds heavier?
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Knee Injury Solution

A Step-by-Step Knee Program Program that will Finally Help Decrease Pain, Improve Range of Motion and Strengthen Your Knees for Good!

If you are interested in overcoming your knee injury and preventing a future knee injury with fast, simple and effective exercises that most fitness & health professionals don’t know about, then read this important letter.
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RMAX Primal Stress

Working in film and TV production comes with a unique set of challenges – punishingly long hours, often unpredictable conditions, and a lot of heavy lifting, both physical and mental – it’s the worst and best job in the world. Nearly 20 years in the business had taken it’s toll on my body – chronic pain from recurring injuries, adrenal exhaustion, and a host of other miseries – and I was sadly considering another way of life, which felt like the end of the world to me.

Then I found Scott Sonnon. Using principles I learned through his programs Intu-Flow, Prasara and TACFIT, now crystallized in his groundbreaking book Primal Stress, I’ve been able to regain the inner and outer strength and resilience I need, in order to keep doing the job that I love. I truly can’t thank Scott enough, and I can’t think of any better way of paying my gratitude forward than to recommend his book to everyone I can, so that they may reap the life-changing benefits that I have."
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