An incredibly effective and easy to follow workout program designed by vegan fitness professional Barry Lovelace.
Unfortunately there are many people out there who associate living a vegan lifestyle with being weak, sickly and lethargic. It’s just not true and Barry will help you prove it! Vegans are indeed capable of being strong, building nice, lean muscle and having unlimited energy.
Do you want to compliment your healthy lifestyle with an easy to follow fitness program?
Are you looking for a truly effective workout that can be done anytime, anywhere with little equipment?
Join internationally recognized fitness professional and vegan, Barry Lovelace for an effective and efficient workout that REALLY works!
Barry Lovelace is an internationally recognized fitness professional who specializes in the sports performance training of athletes. Barry is a member of Team Men’s Fitness and a regular contributor to many other fitness publications. He is also the creator of several DVD’s including his extensive line of sports training videos, Training 4 Your Sport.
Aside from his passion for fitness and good health, Barry is also committed to living a cruelty free lifestyle. In his dealings with clients and the public he attempts to educate people to the cruelty that takes place in the food industry and also the incredible health benefits of eating vegan.
Frustrated with results, the amount of time you think you need to spend at the gym or simply not having enough time? Now you can enjoy a workout in your living room, dorm or hotel room and SEE THE RESULTS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR with this Total Body At Home workout using light dumbbells or soup cans and body weight! Results That’s right! After just a few sessions and in under 30 MINUTES A DAY working out to this TOTAL BODY routine you will see results! You WILL have more energy, feel better and LOOK BETTER!
Designed for Every BODY! Series One is for both the beginner and the advanced exerciser. Each segment consists of interval training, the most effective way to burn fat and calories and improve overall fitness level. You will work your shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs and chest along with cardio in the middle giving you a TOTAL BODY workout! If you are new to exercise and re not sure what to do or where to begin – WELCOME! A Proper Form segment along Fit Tips in between breaks will help you become a NEW YOU!
Shot at the beautiful Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen NY, Series 2 is the next step after mastering Series 1. You WILL get that FIT, Lean look by burning fat! That’s what Series Two s all about! You will experience repetitions to challenge your muscles while at the same time improving your cardiovascular system with Barry’s famous PULSE REPS!
PULSE REPS! You have to FEEL it to believe it! By performing Pulse repetitions in the middle of your set you are going to ‘Feel The Burn’ in your muscles! You will be coming back for more…