Causes Of Stroke Are Many Though It Is Most Often A Result Of High Blood Pressure

When the blood vessels supplying the brain are affected a person will be at great risk of suffering a [tag]stroke[/tag] and when there is insufficient blood supplied to the brain and consequent lack of oxygen and nutrients there is a greater likelihood of the brain cells becoming damaged which will make them die off. In fact, you could even consider a stroke as being an attack on the brain which can result in neurological damage of a permanent kind and even death if timely treatment is not given.

More Frequent Amongst The Black Population

There are many causes of stroke and it has been noticed that it occurs more frequently amongst the black population and even males are more prone to have strokes as compared with women, who will be at greater risk whilst pregnant and also immediately following delivery of babies. Amongst the risk factors causing strokes one can think of hypertension, getting on in age, previous instances of stroke, mellitus, diabetes and also high cholesterol. Other causes of stroke include smoking of cigarettes, atrial fibrillation and also migraines with aura and even thrombophilia.

Essentially, the causes of stroke can be attributed to blocked arteries that could come about due to blood clots which is a very common cause because of the fact that the part of the brain that is supplied blood through a blood vessel that is clotted will not get enough of oxygen and blood which will cause the brain cells to die.

Nevertheless, high blood pressure is also a leading cause of stroke and so too is advanced age. In addition, you can also consider diabetes and also some type of heart conditions that can contribute to the stroke. And when strokes affect those who are quite young and are not more than fifty years of age, there are other less serious causes of stroke of which drug abuse is one such instance and those who consume cocaine and maybe even are taking amphetamines or who have ruptures in aneurysms will be more likely to suffer a stroke.

Among the rarer causes of stroke is a condition known as Vasculitis in which the blood vessels are inflamed, and another not so rare cause of stroke is having migraine headaches. According to statistics on the different causes of stroke, one will find that an estimated sixty-two percent of strokes are caused by high blood pressure throughout the world, and an estimated eight percent of strokes were caused by diabetes, while cancer was another of the causes of stroke though these figures were extremely low being a mere 1.4 percent.

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