‘After waking up one morning in mid June, I stretched as you do at the start of a new day and during this stretch my lower leg started to kick involuntarily…..So, what was all that about? I thought I may have trapped a nerve in my back or hip. Now why I thought that I have no idea. I have no medical training! It just seemed like a plausible explanation at the time’.
‘We are asked to take a seat in reception and after a short wait the Radiologist approaches us with the envelope containing my MRI images. He smiles a welcome, then he hesitates, looking a little unsure of himself. As he is just about to hand them over to me he says, "No, can I ask you to come into my office please?".’
‘I do not feel ill, I have no headaches or any pain but right at this moment I was scared for my life because I knew he was speaking to me and I couldn’t understand how this could be happening’.