Not sure which type of anxiety you suffer from? Then read below for more information about your anxiety type.
Panic Attacks… Ever feel an overwhelming burst of panic that causes intense and powerful sensations including a rapid pounding heart, tight chest, faint dizzy feelings, dry throat and weak legs? These feelings may be so strong you may feel like your going to suffocate, collapse, pass out, have a heart attack or even die. The fear is often so powerful you have to run or escape the situation immediately, just incase something bad happens or you make yourself look like a fool in public. Typically you’ll end up avoiding that place or situation in the future for fear of triggering another attack. If this sounds familiar then select "Panic and Anxiety Attacks" from the selection box above.
General Anxiety… This is a more continual state worry and anxiety but can be equally as damaging. Is your mind is constantly pre-occupied with worry thoughts and feelings about all aspects of your life, always fearing that something will go wrong? Typically you will find it hard to relax, concentrate, get things done and have trouble sleeping at night, because your anxiety and worry is so strong. You feel up-tight, constantly on edge and drained no matter what you do. If this sounds familiar then select "General Anxiety and Worry" from the selection box above.
If you suffer from both forms of anxiety select the one from the drop-down box above which affects you most, the one you’d like to get rid of the most.