After you purchase this video today, you will see 8 creative ways to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment. BUT WE DON’T STOP THERE – Not only do we show you how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability, but we give you a technique tutorial on how to properly and safely use it. – Not only do we show you how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete. – And also, not only do we show you how to build the MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.
Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it. Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?