Guide To Child Obesity And Fitness

Obesity is a disorder that manifests through [tag]overweight[/tag], which is usually calculated by the BMI Body Mass Index. The statistics indicate that there has been a drastic increase in [tag]child obesity[/tag] in the past two decades and that is a very worrying factor for the parents as well as for the obese children, as from obesity there are a variety of diseases that will develop; some of them life threatening.

Eat Right And Exercise

There are many causes for obesity, however, the most prominent is overeating and lack of activity. Child obesity and fitness need to be approached gradually and with an expert’s advice, such as your doctor and/or a personal trainer. One of the disorders that develop in obesity is cardiovascular diseases that affect the blood circulation and practicing child obesity and fitness can be dangerous if not done right.

Special child obesity and fitness programs are available depending on the physical condition your child has, his or her age and present weight. If your child is diagnosed obese, it is essential you enroll in a child obesity and fitness program in order to start reducing weight as soon as possible. If the obesity disorder is genetic, your child may have to be on a fitness program always in order to be able to maintain his or her weight.

Other Child Obesity Measures

Child obesity and fitness measures should be enhanced with a nutritious and [tag]balanced diet[/tag], which will allow the fitness exercises to give results. Most children are not aware of what they must eat, when and how much; and that is because they have no guidelines from their parents and/or guardians, due to which they end up eating too much and developing obesity.

Statistics show that childhood obesity is the hardest to treat and cure, as it is extremely hard to reduce excessive weight during adolescence. Obesity can start from overeating and can be entertained by stress, which usually happens during the adolescence years when the child is more aware of his or her appearance. Stress can also come from problems in the family, financial and medical issues, and they can all reflect on the already existing disorder: obesity.

Take Action Now

Regular checkups will keep you aware of the weight gain in your child, you should also be aware as a parent of the child’s ideal weight according to his or her height and try to maintain it that way. If you have obesity in the family, you should be twice as careful, but not obsessive; as that can also trigger stress and your child may start eating too much when you are not looking.

Food is comforting, however, you must be very open with your child and always discuss the necessity of eating right and exercising in order to maintain the desired weight.

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