The Advantages Of Child Obesity Charts

With an increase in the number of overweight children in society, [tag]child obesity[/tag] charts may prove useful in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood obesity. As a child is seen by his doctor over the developmental years, the physician will keep a chart of the child’s height, weight and growth pattern.

If the doctor sees a trend toward imbalanced weight gain, early intervention can take place. Children don’t become obese overnight. Over time, the child and parents may be developing poor eating habits and an increased sedentary lifestyle.

The doctor can use the child obesity charts, and the weight and growth charts, to show the parents and child where the changes are occurring. With this information, and some education by the medical team, the parent and child can make changes which can help the obesity become controlled.

The parent and child can also keep a child obesity chart in their home so that, if the weight does begin to increase, they can determine if the weight gain is normal growth or if it’s tending towards an unhealthy weight gain. This is a good way for the child and the parent to work as a team to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the home.

The Disadvantages Of Child Obesity Charts

While child obesity charts can be helpful, they can also contribute to some negative issues. It is well-known that children and young people can develop eating disorders easily.

We live in a society where being thin is seen as the ideal. Movie stars and other public figures strive for very thin bodies. When too much focus is placed on weight, it can become psychologically unhealthy for children.

Child obesity charts may place too much emphasis on the [tag]weight[/tag] of the child. Some children naturally go through chubby periods in their life. The children may put on a little weight just prior to a burst in height. This does not mean the child has a weight problem but is just preparing to grow.

If the child is looked at as being obese during this period they may not realize that, as they get taller, their weight becomes proportionate to their body. The child may then view themselves as fat or obese when they are a perfectly healthy weight.

More emphasis should be placed on healthy living than on the weight of the child. If the child is encouraged to eat well and to have an active lifestyle, the weight issue will be taken care of.

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