Resistance Training – How It Can Make You Stronger And More Healthy

Although there are many different exercise programs available on the market today, very few give you the special benefits that a resistance training program can. That’s why, even if you already engage in some kind of aerobic activity, such as running, using a treadmill or taking an aerobics class, you should consider adding some type of strength training as well. Next you will read some amazing benefits that resistance training can offer to those that follow a consistent workout routine. By the way, you should seriously have a look at P90X2, it works really well. Read these P90X2 reviews to learn more about it.

Resistance training will allow you to become faster, stronger, and increasingly agile as you continue to do the program. Doing sports on a daily basis will seem much more easy once you have been participating and implementing this exercise program. This is interesting because the old stereotype about weight lifting was that it made you slow and muscle bound. The fact is, strength training can be beneficial to runners and athletes of all sports as a compliment to their more specialized training. If working out only 20 minutes a day three times a week sounds exciting, then you should definitely start a strength training program.

Your emotional state of mind would be greatly improved when she began resistance workouts. If you have ever heard of a “runner’s high”, there are definitely moments of elation when doing these types of exercises. Your mental state will definitely improve because of this anaerobic effect it you will experience when doing resistance workouts.

Your stress levels will definitely diminish and you will find yourself sleeping very well each night. Another benefit is feeling more confident because of your increased physical strength. Just like aerobic exercise, there are both emotional and physical reasons for continuing to exercise.

One of the most obvious benefits of resistance training is that it makes you stronger, and this is something that can be important in more ways than one. Your tennis or golf game will dramatically improve because of regularly doing these resistance exercises. Everyday activities, such as going to the grocery store, or moving a piece of furniture, will be much easier because of this training. Your extra strength will allow you to prevent potential injuries from occurring when you do certain physical activities. Bodybuilders are known for their confidence, something that you will experience because of your increased strength.

In conclusion, there are enough benefits to resistance training that there’s hardly anyone that can’t find a reason to begin doing it. The fear of gaining too much muscle, or becoming slow and clumsy, are among the many false myths that surround this workout routine. The next thing you need to do is begin your own resistance training program to make yourself healthier and stronger. Before you go, don’t forget to look at this article on where to order P90X2 from.

Should you build muscle using high intensity training?

As stated in my previous article, there are different ways to build muscle fast. You have to ask yourself some questions. How often do you want to go to the gym? How hard (intense) do you want to train when you are there. If you do not want to go to failure or close to failure, then you probably do not want to follow a high intensity routine. In this routine you would lift the weight until you can not do any more reps. it’s not easy and requires a great deal of will power.

When training with high intensity, you will need a lot of time to recover. Maybe a few days to a week or more per body part. If you enjoy going to the gym a lot and do not want to push yourself and train high intensity, you might want to try another routine,. One where you can not go to failure and save a little bit for the next workout which might be a few days later.

I prefer high intensity and I believe it is the fastest way to gain muscle but not the only way.  And there are so many hours in the day. Why spend too long in the gym and too long training each body part. Hit each body part once a week and hit them hard. Then rest and eat. Go to failure on each set or close to failure and do not do more than a couple of sets per exercise and a couple of sets per body part.

So remember, if you train with high intensity, train only for a short period of time and not too often. Get the rest and nutrition you need to recover and grow. Train, eat, rest, and grow is the formula to build bigger muscle.