Reasons to Drink Distilled H2O

I do this because I need to take lots of pills daily

I know, water, water everywhere, however what kind of water meets my special needs? My choice is to drink water that has been distilled. Why you ask?

I take a lot pills every day. A lot means over 40 capsules and pills each day. Obviously, that is a large number. I must take all of these pills without throwing them up.

I developed osteoporosis and have had to get down natural calcium bone supplements every day

Because of the side effects of some drugs I have been required to use, side-effects have occurred. I have to take more pills that counteract these prior medical problems. One situation is that I have osteoporosis and have been required to swallow natural calcium tablets each day. The cause was all of the Prednisone, because of pretty severe Crohns disease. As a result, I am required to get down two additional calcium osteoporosis pills to counter this bone calcium problem. This is one reason why I have to get down so many more pills than most people. As I swallow these pills, I cannot help but notice taste of the various chemicals in our tap water.

I’m not sure why, but my town gets water with a high chlorine level. I can taste it easily. The water company sends quality notices that indicate the district’s water gets supplemented with many chemicals. I’m pretty shocked by this.

I expect that some chemicals would be there, because the water flows over rocks. But, I worry a lot about the additives. The water district serves so many people, and they must ensure that the local water supply is will not make us sick. Pay attention to the water quality reports that come with your water bill, since they can be very informative. Sometimes I would rather not know, yet understanding these water additives is important.

With water that has been distilled, I can take all my drugs and supplements

One time a friend stopped by to see me and we had a conversation about water purity. He is on the road quite a bit, and he told me that he travels with distilled and purified water. Why, I asked? He told me that it is the water knows he won’t get sick on. Plus, anyone can purchase distilled, purified water in any grocery store.

I thought that was interesting. Before, my only uses for distilled water for baby wipes that had dried out. After this conversation, my Crohns has gotten somewhat worse. Due to my health, I now have to take quite a few more pills. Besides my medicine for Crohns, I also must get down supplements and vitamins, including multivitamins and extra vitamin C along with a calcium pyruvate powder supplement because of dietary deficiencies.

Because of Crohn’s Disease, I’m very affected by odors that make me throw up. As a result, I’ve decided to use only distilled water, because I must always swallow all my drugs and supplements daily.

3 Tips to Burn Fat and Build Abs Fast

Who wouldn’t want to build abs fast? Seriously. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who wanted to take things slow as far as getting no nonsense six pack abdominal muscles go.

We all want to see results FAST, and that’s a given. I’ll tell you right now, there are no magical formulas for it, but getting toned abs fast IS possible. Keep these 3 simple tips in mind at all times and you’ll be well on your way:

1. Burn Fat Fast with a Fast Metabolism.

To increase your metabolic rate, you need to work hard for it. A fast metabolism can provide the push your body needs to burn more fat. The first step to increasing your metabolism compels you to evaluate the way you eat.

To build abs fast, you must continue with a low-fat diet. It would be much easier for your metabolism to kick into high gear if you get rid of starchy foods and unhealthy fats in your daily meal plans.

Avoid foods that are high in simple sugars and starches such as white bread, white rice, pastries, candy bars, and soda. Always go over the nutrition label of food packages and learn how to tell which ingredients are good or bad for you. Even the slightest improvement in your diet can help you a great deal.

2. Burn Fat Fast with Body Heat.

When you work out, your body temperature increases, and that in itself is very important. Your body stores fat for many reasons, particularly for the insulation of heat. Getting rid of EXCESS fat, however, is absolutely necessary.

Taking advantage of heat properties can help build abs fast. You can do any of the following to ensure that your body is getting the most out of your workout:

  • Put on insulated clothing on top of your usual workout clothes.
  • Use abdominal wraps to keep your midsection warm and tight.
  • Use other body wraps (e.g. thighs) to maximize your workout.

Remember to drink water before and after your workout because that will keep you hydrated.

3. Burn Fat Fast with Cardio Workouts.

Cardiovascular exercises not only boost your metabolic rate, but they also get rid of fat fast. Cardio exercises provide you with a complete body workout. Touching base with every muscle group in your body makes it easier for you to burn excess fat in all areas.

You may not be aware of it, but a lot of your daily activities already involve some cardio. Walking, for example, is an excellent cardio workout. Walking to work, going up a flight of stairs, and even grocery shopping are very habit-forming and can easily be considered good cardio practices.

Combined with targeted abs exercises, full cardio workouts can definitely up your game and build abs fast. Here are some examples of more intense cardio workouts:

  • Running
  • Rowing
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Boxing

Working out isn’t a burden; it’s more of a lifestyle, really. Choose the right food, stay warm during workouts, and exercise regularly. Do that and you will definitely build six pack abs fast.

Should you build muscle using high intensity training?

As stated in my previous article, there are different ways to build muscle fast. You have to ask yourself some questions. How often do you want to go to the gym? How hard (intense) do you want to train when you are there. If you do not want to go to failure or close to failure, then you probably do not want to follow a high intensity routine. In this routine you would lift the weight until you can not do any more reps. it’s not easy and requires a great deal of will power.

When training with high intensity, you will need a lot of time to recover. Maybe a few days to a week or more per body part. If you enjoy going to the gym a lot and do not want to push yourself and train high intensity, you might want to try another routine,. One where you can not go to failure and save a little bit for the next workout which might be a few days later.

I prefer high intensity and I believe it is the fastest way to gain muscle but not the only way.  And there are so many hours in the day. Why spend too long in the gym and too long training each body part. Hit each body part once a week and hit them hard. Then rest and eat. Go to failure on each set or close to failure and do not do more than a couple of sets per exercise and a couple of sets per body part.

So remember, if you train with high intensity, train only for a short period of time and not too often. Get the rest and nutrition you need to recover and grow. Train, eat, rest, and grow is the formula to build bigger muscle.

Tips To Lose Weight Fast


Facts About Losing Weight

So you know that you want to lose weight fast, but how to do it? There are a few tips that will be very helpful to you if you want to lose weight fast and not only lose it now but keep it off in the future. You must be committed to these tip now and in the future.

Clean out the Cupboards

The best thing that you want to do if you are trying to lose weight fast is clean out your cupboards. You want to get rid of all the food that are not good for you, so think of sugar, salty foods, and all those empty calories such as soda. You want to keep things that are healthy like fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads and cereals.

This is going to be very hard, and if you have kids then of course you are going to want to keep some good food for them, like treats that they can have for dessert, but you want to be strict about what you are going to keep and what you are going to through away, and if anything just keep all the kids’ treats in one separate cupboard so that you know not to go in that cupboard and are not going to have to see that food all the time.  It may also include them in this diet teaching them good eating habits is a good idea too.If you install these habits in them while they are young then they are more likely to make good decisions as they grow up.

Make Lists

Also if you want to lose weight fast you are going to want to make lists. Most importantly of all, you are going to want to start being very careful and aware about what you are putting on your grocery list. You are going to want to look up about the different foods that you have to choose from and have a set list prepared before you head out to get your food.

This way you know that you have a list and only pick up these foods instead of getting to the store without a list and just picking up random things because then basically you are just going to be giving in to your cravings and getting food that is not healthy for you.

Set up a Routine

To lose weight fast, you are going to have to make sure that you set up a routine for yourself. This is going to be necessary if you want to not only lose weight now but keep it off in the future as well. You need to keep a list of what you are eating and for how long you are working out.

Make A Diary

some times helps to make a food and exercise diary.  Before you start a meal write it down in the diary it will help make better decisions.  It also helps to keep a diary about you work out routines.It will let you see your prograss you make and help you keep track of your work outs and keep you on track.  Take pictures of your self in the mirror at the beginning of each week it will show you the results better you may not notice how much belly fat and weight you have lost even if the scale does not go down. Remember muscle weighs more than fat!

Click Here Now to Lose Weight Fast

Bodybuilding Routine That is Right For You

When starting out in your muscle building workouts, you will want to find a good routine fit for you. So what will work best for you? Lets look at ways you can tell if a routine will work and work for you.

First, you want to make sure that whatever routine you might follow, it has gotten results for those that have subscribed to its teachings.

You need a routine that is progressive in its training advice. Meaning, you want to keep progressively overloading your muscles with heavier weight as you get stronger.

Recovering between workouts is something that is very important and should not be pushed aside. Your body needs recovery so it can be ready to lift heavy for the next workout. The routine you are looking at should mention rest as a necessary factor of gaining muscle. Your muscles actually grow when they are resting.

Is the routine right for you specifically? Maybe because of health reasons a routine that is considered high intensity might be too much for you to handle. If you are someone who does not want to go to the max in your training, then high intensity training might not be for you.

Although high intensity training is the fastest way for muscle mass building, you might not be willing to take your mind to the limit and go to failure at each workout. It might be too much stress for you. The good thing though, is that you can go to the gym less often with high intensity training.

There are routines that call for more volume in their training program. These routines have you lifting lighter weights for more sets and reps. Now someone else might find this taxing on them as they have to concentrate for longer periods of time in their training. So find what works best for you, not only physically but mentally.



Organic Health Food

Seemingly organic food has a vital share in any nutrition health plan or even increasing amount of people include it into their Atkins Diet plan. What is behind it? 
The main benefit and in fact the absolute feature of organic health food is that it is almost 99% pure of chemicals, additives, hormones, antibiotics and the like. Non-organic food has an overwhelming presence on the market, dominating all stores. Few people are following the habit of cooking nice home meals for the family: there is less time to spend in the kitchen and it is a lot easier to order a pizza or buy a take-away when getting back from the office. Bad food, poor in nutrients is probably the reason why health problems seem to be more serious than ever.

Organic health food represents the non-therapeutic answer for many ailments because it is free of invasive toxic substances, and it solely relies on the help of mother nature. The results of organic farming seem to enjoy high appreciation although natural agriculture has more obstacles to overcome in terms of climate threats, low profitability and inferior success rates. The main benefit of organic health food is the superiority of nutrients, which complements the purity of products. Thus, an organic egg has half the cholesterol amount you’ll find in a non-organic one, while the calcium, and the vitamins content is significantly higher.

Chronic disease patients should eat only organic health food in order to alleviate their condition. Moreover, babies, children, pregnant women and anyone who needs a stronger immune system should replace non-organic with organic food. The emphasis on organic health food comes from the fact that the toxins and chemicals present in non-organic food impair the body functions and ruin health in time. The irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, obesity, diabetes and many others are the result of unhealthy food most of the time. The dietary shift to organic health food would give patients who suffer from such conditions the chance to lead a better, more fulfilled life.

The awareness of what chemical-packed food can do to our bodies needs to be increased all over the world. Maybe non-organic food will last indefinitely, but the more people integrate organic health food in their diets, the better. In time, a redefinition of the market standards will occur, and better nutrition criteria will get in use. Moreover, organic biological farms, the environment will also be saved from disasters by the improvement of the water, soil and air quality.

Nutritional Supplements Might Help to Control Asthma

There are more than 10 milllion people who have been diagnosed with asthma, and that’s just in the United States. Some medical experts actually believe that asthma has reached epidemic proportions due to it’s pervasiveness. Toxic chemicals and pollution in the environment are the primary contributors to the development of this disease. There have been more and more incidents of people dying as a result of asthma, largely due to ignoring the warning signs.

During an asthma attack, the airways in the lungs will begin to swell and develop mucus secretions. They will eventually begin to spasm. As the airways get narrower, it gets more difficult to breathe. Breathlessness, coughing, wheezing, congestion, a dry mouth, fever and pain are all symptoms that can appear during an asthma attack.

Just about anything can trigger an attack. Upper respiratory infections, overexertion, poor nutrition, and stress are frequent causes, and allergies are the most typical trigger of an asthma attack.

Some attacks are triggered through exposure to irritants such as exhaust fumes, smoke, the smell of gas, or pollen. Attacks can also be caused by foods like chocolate, dairy products, corn and peanuts. Antibiotics, hormone therapy and tranquilizers are also possible triggers.

There are a number of herbal, mineral and vitamin supplements that can be used for asthma treatments. The most important of these is Vitamin B. It can not only reduce the severity of an attack but it will preserve your body’s biochemical balance.

Vitamins A and E used together are particularly effective at protecting your lungs from the effects of environmental pollutants. As well, big dosages of Vitamin C are highly successful in combating asthma.

Another effective treatment for improving breathing and assisting with bronchial responses is gingko biloba. Odorless garlic is also a good alternative. This supplement’s anti-inflammatory properties help to lower the chances of experiencing an attack.

If you suspect that you are suffering from asthma, visit your doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis. In the meantime, your diet should be high in protein and include plenty of fruits and vegetables that are loaded with vitamins. Also stay away from your specific triggers.

Although an asthma attack can be quite stressful, there are options available to help prevent it from overtaking your life. If your doctor diagnoses you with asthma, ask questions and seek advice on effective asthma remedies.

It’s possible to avert an asthma attack through natural means such as vitamins and supplements. There’s no reason to avoid enjoying your usual activities. It can often be managed successfully although it might slow you down somewhat.

Cildhood Asthma

Keyword: childhood asthma
Word Count: 443 
Keyword Density: 11/2.5%

A Guide To Childhood Asthma

In recent times, childhood asthmahas become more widespread. It has become one of the most prevalent chronic illnesses in the children forcing more and more kids to miss school, and limit their activity level. The underlying cause of childhood asthma is similar to that of adult asthma-inflammation of the airways. The inflammation makes the airways very sensitive which is responsible for coughing, wheezing or serious flare-ups that interfere with normal breathing.

Childhood Asthma Symptoms

Childhood asthma can be very bothersome, interfering with everyday sports, play, sleep and school. Childhood asthma can also cause serious or life-threatening asthma attacks. Some of the most common childhood asthma symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing sound when exhaling, chest tightness or congestion, trouble sleep due to shortness of breath, fatigue, and troubled breathing after exercise or active play.

The symptoms of childhood asthma changes from child to child. Wheezing is the most common symptomof asthma, but not all children suffering from asthma wheeze. It is merely possible to tell if the symptoms are caused by asthma. Symptoms like respiratory problem or infectious bronchitis can cause asthma.

If there is whistling sound when child exhales, constant coughing, complaint of chest tightness, shortness of breath or repeated episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis, take your child to the doctor as soon as possible.

Causes And Treatment Of Childhood Asthma

In children suffering from asthma, the immune system becomes overly sensitive, and airways become easily swollen and inflamed when exposed to certain triggers such as allergens or smoke. Some of the common triggers of childhood asthma include viral infections, exercise, allergens, tobacco smoke or weather changes.

The main aim of asthma treatment is to get it under control. When well-controlled, the child will have no symptoms, no flare-ups, minimal use of rescue inhalers, and no limitations physical activity. Preventive medication helps reduce the airway inflammation, and quick relief medications open the swollen airways so that breathing becomes easier.

To control and cure the childhood asthma in the long-run, various medication such as inhaled corticosteroids, combination inhalers, leukotriene, cromolyn, and theophylline are used. If the asthma is not getting under control by avoiding triggers, immunotherapy may be helpful.

Changes in lifestyle can help in facing the childhood asthma. This includes using the air conditioner, making home more asthma friendly, keeping the indoor air clean, maintaining low humidity level, reducing pet dander, reducing child’s exposure to cold air, and keeping the house clean.

Additionally, help your child stay fit and healthy with the help of regular exercise, healthy diet, and controlling the heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Central Sleep Apnea Must be Taken Seriously

Sleep apnea is when a person stops breathing on and off during sleep. However one of the most dangerous forms of this condition is central sleep apnea, where the body fails to signal the lungs to inhale on a regular basis. Oxygen isn’t getting in to the body as it should if a person isn’t inhaling properly and regularly. This regular cycle of oxygen is so important that the body can and does force itself to breathe even if you consciously try to hold your breath. The problems with central sleep apnea are not to be dismissed.

During periods of central sleep apnea, the heart will respond to this lack of oxygen intake by increasing the heart rate, causing stress and strain to the heart muscles. When you exercise you heart rate speeds up which is good for you but this is not the same. An increased heart rate during exercise is always accompanied by breathing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out, but not so with central sleep apnea! This unnatural increase of the heart rate can damage the heart itself as it’s working harder but without nourishing oxygen to help out.

It is thought that seizures can be caused by central sleep apnea. This is caused by the sudden drop in blood oxygen levels, and this occurs whether the person has a seizure disorder or not. Other complications from central sleep apnea include angina and heart attacks as the heart is being damaged with each episode. Additionally, the lack of regular breathing that occurs with any form of sleep apnea can result in a buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream which means blood poisoning.

As with all kinds of sleep apnea, central sleep apnea should be investigated as soon as possible. Obese people need to bring their weight down. A snore pillow can keep the head from falling back and the tongue from blocking the throat and airway. A humidifier in the bedroom can help with keeping sinuses open. In severe cases, especially when dealing with central sleep apnea, a CPAP machine can keep oxygen pumping into the body at regular intervals. At any rate, this is not a condition to be ignored or dismissed but should be addressed!

Finding What You Need in a Digital Hearing Aid

Millions of people throughout the planet experience some degree of hearing loss. Fortunately, there are state of the art hearing aids available that provide these people with a chance to hear normally once again. However, because there is such a variety of styles and features, it isn’t always easy to find the one that’s best for you.

Nowadays, people tend to prefer digital hearing aids, which are a considerable improvement over the traditional analog devices. Because the technology is now more common, you won’t have to pay as much for one of these devices. That makes them more affordable for many people, which has led to a decline in popularity of the older but cheaper analog styles. There are four basic kinds of hearing aids today, each suited for specific levels of hearing problems and budgets.

The “completely in the canal” (CIC) device is very small and, as its name suggests, fits completely inside the ear canal. But because of its relatively smaller size, it doesn’t have as many features as some of the other models. An “in the canal” (ITC) model is worn partly in the ear canal. The “in the ear” (ITE) model fits inside the outer edge of the ear. The “behind the ear” (BTE) aid is positioned behind the ear, just like it sounds.

Today’s digital hearing aids offer lots of useful features to people whose hearing isn’t what it used to be. For instance, the latest models feature signal processing abilities that let you hear everything with amazing clarity. Many of the latest devices are able to adapt to the current circumstances. They can actually distinguish between speech and other noises, and will suppress any background noise so that you are able to hear the conversation more clearly.

Most of these devices can be programmed to your personal requirements, and are also able to be reprogrammed if your hearing abilities continue to decline. They provide a high degree of flexibility and will adapt to various situations. You won’t have to adjust the volume every time you move to a new location, because it will do this itself. Various kinds of volume adjustment help to minimize distortion and provide crystal clear amplification. The digital processors filter the noise around you in order to provide superior sound quality.

You need to make sure you are purchasing a well made, high quality digital hearing aid. These products will feature the latest in technology, with an extensive assortment of features, styles and sizes to fit anyone’s needs and budget. And you can even buy hearing aids online these days!

Modern digital hearing aids open up a whole new world to people who are experiencing reduced hearing capabilities. And the future is also bright with the promise of even better hearing aid technology to come.