
I’ll show you exactly how to change your body using simple techniques for fat loss and muscle gain – plus how to maintain those results.

It’s what most of us want when we start working out with the goal of losing fat, gaining muscle, or doing a little bit of both…
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Bodyweight Exercise Revolution Complete Program: Bodyweight Workouts That Deliver

Ryan and Adam specialize in bodyweight exercises that 99.9% of other trainers have never even heard of… their clients fly them all over North America, Europe and Asia because their stuff burns fat and builds muscle so fast. Ryan and Adam are their secret weapons in the fight against fat and aging!

They’ve agreed to unlock their exercise vault and share these powerful exercises with the world so that YOU can lose belly fat and sculpt the body of your dreams at home with NO Equipment – Guaranteed.
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Visual Impact Muscle Building

Gaining 20 pounds of muscle is NOT impressive if 15 pounds of that is on your butt, thighs, and waist.

Gaining untargeted muscle is easy and over-rated. The problem with following the standard advice of concentrating on the "big 3" lifts (squat, deadlift, and bench press) is that it will most likely create a terrible looking, bulky physique.
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