BJJ Conditioning – BJJ Workouts – Kettlebell Training

“…Uncover Over 47 Kettlebell Exercises Specifically Designed to Make Your BJJ Stronger, Improve Your Conditioning, Increase Your Power, Your Posture and Your Pressure. Learn How To …”

Let me give you a real quick introduction. My name is Jason C. Brown, I’m an internationally known kettlebell training expert and for the last 10-11 years I’ve specialized in helping BJJ, Judo players and MMA athletes just like you get the most out of their training and their bodies off and on the mat.
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Knee Injury Solution

A Step-by-Step Knee Program Program that will Finally Help Decrease Pain, Improve Range of Motion and Strengthen Your Knees for Good!

If you are interested in overcoming your knee injury and preventing a future knee injury with fast, simple and effective exercises that most fitness & health professionals don’t know about, then read this important letter.
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An Athlete’s Guide to Chronic Knee Pain: Theories and Solutions for Patellar Tendonitis, Jumpers Knee, and Patellar Tracking Problems.

You can’t run. You can’t jump. You can’t squat. Even standing up from the toilet it a chore. Your knees are in shambles. And there you are, laying in bed, waiting for the physiology gnomes to tap your knee with a magical star wand and make everything “all better.” That’s your first mistake. Find out why laying around like a slug while your intestines stop churning isn’t the answer to chronic knee pain (and learn about two more mistakes you’re making.).

They bother you at all hours of the day. Getting in and out of the car. Standing up from chairs. Cutting a rug on the dance floor. And let’s not even talk about how they feel when you try to exercise or play any sports.
Continue reading An Athlete’s Guide to Chronic Knee Pain: Theories and Solutions for Patellar Tendonitis, Jumpers Knee, and Patellar Tracking Problems.

Will You Overlook This? Joint Pain Solutions That No one Is Talking About!

JOINT INFLAMMATION is a very painful, with multiple sets of conditions (100), progressively leading to joint damage, deformity and loss of mobility. Swelling of extremity joints is the hallmark of the syndrome. Chronic pain, disability and death are unfortunate results.

Joint inflammation has an estimated prevalence of 1 to 2%. Prevalence increases with age, approaching 5% in women over age 55. The average annual incidence in the United States is about 70 per 100,000 annually. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs two to three times more in women than in men. Although rheumatoid arthritis may present at any age, patients most commonly are first affected in the third to sixth decades.

Joint inflammation, collectively affect nearly 46 million adults and 300,000 children in the U.S. It is not selective. The condition can happen to anyone. All arthritic conditions impact the musculoskeletal system and specifically the joints – where two or more bones meet.

Joint inflammation problems include:

  • pain
  • stiffness
  • damage to joint cartilage (the tough, smooth tissue that covers the ends of the bones, enabling them to glide against one another) and surrounding structures.


The blood has become obstructed by external cold or hot-damp or drying imbalancing influences. The condition includes:

  • cold or hot and painful joints
  • difficulty in flexing and extending the joints
  • aversion to cold or hot with attraction to the opposite condition
  • In some cases the limbs and joints will be aching, numb, painful
  • overall physical body feels heavy.
  • tongue is pale or the opposite

There are graduating arthritic conditions where the site of pain and deformity are more intense, with heat or cold predominating, however, the primary appraoch is to get the obstruction to move. This is done by changing the internal environment by opposing the wind-cold/hot-damp/dry and altering any external conditions contributing to the obstructions. Additional attention needs to be given to the general emotional state that may indirectly support the blockage.



“We are what we eat.” Most of us would agree that most conditions of imbalance are determined by what we put in our mouth. We unkowingly create imbalances by not being aware of how critical this area is, especially in the latter years. If we are choose foods and supplements which worsen our condition then it would serve us well to become very aware of our body type and foods which enhance balance. Below, you can begin to choose foods that deliver balance for this obstructive condition:

Foods That Benefit & Foods To Avoid

Foods to Counter Joint Pain: Asparagus, Cabbage (poultice & ingestion), Celery, Cod, Cherry, Chives, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic, Ginger, Goats milk, Grape, Kelp, Oranges, Papaya, Pineapple (Bromelain), Pumpkin Seeds, Royal Jelly, Scallions, Sesame oll, Spelt, Spirulina, Soy products, Strawberry, Sprouts (mung, red clover, radish, mustard, lentil, adzuki, garbanzo, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds), Tumeric, Water melon, Barley products, Wheat grass products, Alfalfa products (tablets, tea), Chlorophyll foods, Almonds (5-6 dy.),

Foods to Avoid: Excess meat (some fish is best), Excess protein, Intoxicants (alcohol, coffee, tobacco, marijuana, etc.), refined sugar and other sweets, Oxalic acid foods (rhubarb, cranberry, plum, chard, beet greens, spinach), Solanine foods (Nightshade family veggies: tomato, eggplant, bell pepper, potato, if sensitive), Dairy (cow’s milk & bi-products), Nuts, Nut butters, oil-rich seeds,

“When the heart is calm, pain seems negligible.” — Inner Classic

HERB FORMULAS FOR PAIN Formulas are created and rendered, taking into consideration, a person’s constitution, environment, life energy (qi), lifestyle and emotional status to name a few concerns. Traditional Chinese Herbs and medicine focuses on bringing all these areas into balance. The chief focus is to provide a formula that specifically targets the painful site, resolves the underlying imbalance in the body without inciting more physical maladies.

Additionally, the quality of the herbs are not the same. If lesser quality is contained in a formula then the results will not hold up as indicated in research findings. While it may sound impressive to make marketing statements that a formula containing an herb is beneficial it is not enough. The grade of herb is critical. Ginseng alone has more than 6 grades and each level provides a different result. Quality, alone, can determine whether the formula works or not. A seasoned herbologist does not skimp in this area, while many commercial manufacturing operations prefer profit when dealing with innocent distributers, who sell to wholesalers, retailers and then to you the consumer. This practice in America gives herbology and products a bad name. This bait and switch practice eventually erodes trust by consumers where when a real herbologist comes forward then it is difficult to move ailing customers to take the leap of beneficial faith.

JOINT IMBALANCE doesn’t happen overnight and once understood, can resolve quicker than you realize. According to Traditional Chinese herbs and medicine, the primary problem underlying arthritis is obstruction with painful results. With varying degrees, there is an exhaustion of both the Liver and Kidneys and insufficiency of the physical energy (qi).

Mark Hammer, C.M.H., Master Herbalist,   Longevity Mountain