Understanding Childhood Diabetes

We all hear of diabetes in adults, but it is important to realize that children as well can suffer from this horrible disease.[tag] Childhood diabetes[/tag] has two forms: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is the most common form in children, as 90-95 percent of children under the age of 16 suffer from this particular type. This type is classified as being a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks one of the body’s own tissues or organs. Continue reading Understanding Childhood Diabetes

Prevent Diabetes by understanding the Causes of Diabetes

It is no wonder that diabetes is one of the major health problems most people are suffering from and it is apparent that its effects, short-term or long-term they may be, are life changing. And to help prevent or avoid diabetes, it is better to understand the leading causes of diabetes that may be affecting you right now and you will be surprised to find out that it has something to do with how your body breaks down or process the food that you take in. Continue reading Prevent Diabetes by understanding the Causes of Diabetes