Gladiator Body Workout

You’re about to learn the “SECRET” to optimum fitness and FINALLY getting the fitness, appearance and health results you want from your exercise program. (OK, maybe it’s not a secret… but so few people understand or talk about this that it might as well be!)

So few people understand fitness (even people in the fitness industry), that it is no wonder the majority of workout programs out there don’t produce results worth talking about. As a matter of fact, most workout programs focus on such a small portion of fitness, that the training is actually DETRIMENTAL to getting spectacular results!
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The Five Tibetan Rites: Chet Day’s Annotated Version of Peter Kelder’s Classic Tibetan Rejuvenation Rites

You see, my 40-page downloadable eBook Supercharge Your Energy with Five Secret Tibetan Rejuvenation Rites reveals easy-to-do exercises that will give you more energy and help you feel better than you’ve felt in years.

{You’re welcome to use this unsolicited testimonial full or in part, or not use it, as the case may be!}
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RMAX Primal Stress

Working in film and TV production comes with a unique set of challenges – punishingly long hours, often unpredictable conditions, and a lot of heavy lifting, both physical and mental – it’s the worst and best job in the world. Nearly 20 years in the business had taken it’s toll on my body – chronic pain from recurring injuries, adrenal exhaustion, and a host of other miseries – and I was sadly considering another way of life, which felt like the end of the world to me.

Then I found Scott Sonnon. Using principles I learned through his programs Intu-Flow, Prasara and TACFIT, now crystallized in his groundbreaking book Primal Stress, I’ve been able to regain the inner and outer strength and resilience I need, in order to keep doing the job that I love. I truly can’t thank Scott enough, and I can’t think of any better way of paying my gratitude forward than to recommend his book to everyone I can, so that they may reap the life-changing benefits that I have."
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Finding What You Need in a Digital Hearing Aid

Millions of people throughout the planet experience some degree of hearing loss. Fortunately, there are state of the art hearing aids available that provide these people with a chance to hear normally once again. However, because there is such a variety of styles and features, it isn’t always easy to find the one that’s best for you.

Nowadays, people tend to prefer digital hearing aids, which are a considerable improvement over the traditional analog devices. Because the technology is now more common, you won’t have to pay as much for one of these devices. That makes them more affordable for many people, which has led to a decline in popularity of the older but cheaper analog styles. There are four basic kinds of hearing aids today, each suited for specific levels of hearing problems and budgets.

The “completely in the canal” (CIC) device is very small and, as its name suggests, fits completely inside the ear canal. But because of its relatively smaller size, it doesn’t have as many features as some of the other models. An “in the canal” (ITC) model is worn partly in the ear canal. The “in the ear” (ITE) model fits inside the outer edge of the ear. The “behind the ear” (BTE) aid is positioned behind the ear, just like it sounds.

Today’s digital hearing aids offer lots of useful features to people whose hearing isn’t what it used to be. For instance, the latest models feature signal processing abilities that let you hear everything with amazing clarity. Many of the latest devices are able to adapt to the current circumstances. They can actually distinguish between speech and other noises, and will suppress any background noise so that you are able to hear the conversation more clearly.

Most of these devices can be programmed to your personal requirements, and are also able to be reprogrammed if your hearing abilities continue to decline. They provide a high degree of flexibility and will adapt to various situations. You won’t have to adjust the volume every time you move to a new location, because it will do this itself. Various kinds of volume adjustment help to minimize distortion and provide crystal clear amplification. The digital processors filter the noise around you in order to provide superior sound quality.

You need to make sure you are purchasing a well made, high quality digital hearing aid. These products will feature the latest in technology, with an extensive assortment of features, styles and sizes to fit anyone’s needs and budget. And you can even buy hearing aids online these days!

Modern digital hearing aids open up a whole new world to people who are experiencing reduced hearing capabilities. And the future is also bright with the promise of even better hearing aid technology to come.

When Drinking Becomes an Issue

How do you recognize that you have a problem with your drinking? When is it clear that you are involving yourself in hazardous drinking?

If you have ineffectively tried to discontinue your drinking or if you sworn to yourself that your drinking days are behind you and then you realized that you were drinking in an abusive way just a few days later, the probability is quite good that you have drinking problems. The bottom line is that if you have attempted to stop drinking and cannot complete the task, then your drinking is controlling you, rather than the other way around.

Similarly, if it takes larger amounts of alcohol to get the same “high,” more likely than not you need to become aware that you have a drinking problem.

You may be telling yourself that the reasoning for your drinking is so that you can lessen your anxiety or get rid of the hurt that you feel. In much the same way, you may be trying to avoid a negative circumstance and may be looking for something more useful, more favorable, or less regretful.

As you maintain your drinking, on the other hand, you will grasp the fact that drinking does not elicit the same high and you will also understand that drinking doesn’t help do away with whatever was causing your problem in the first place.

As you continue to drink in an abusive manner, unfortunately, you may become alcohol dependent and, as a consequence, you may add another major issue to manage rather than learning about more successful and wholesome ways of coping with your alcohol induced predicament.

An Alcohol Evaluation is Probably Warranted

If you have decided that you have a drinking problem, maybe the most practical thing you can do for yourself is to call your medical doctor or healthcare professional and arrange for an appointment for a thorough physical and for a review of your drinking circumstances.

If you beyond a doubt think that you have a critical problem with your drinking, it may be a good idea to get prepared to hear that you need to get alcohol reahbilitation.

At this point in your life, what are your alternatives? You can definitely decide against seeing your medical doctor and persevere with your pattern of abusive drinking.

It truly doesn’t take a genius, nevertheless, to have a handle on the fact that chronic, excessive drinking, if left untreated, will deteriorate over time and more likely than not set in motion an early death. Therefore, your most beneficial alternative is to address your drinking circumstance and get the alcohol therapy you require.

The Deceit of the Functioning Alcohol Addicted Individual

It is somewhat peculiar to note the fact that multitudes of people who are alcohol dependent lead busy and active lives and have families, jobs, houses, vehicles, pets, and any number of material possessions similar to individuals who are not addicted to alcohol.

Many of these “functional” alcoholics may have never been cited for drunk driving and may have been fortunate enough to avoid all alcohol-related legal predicaments. Despite this fortunate circumstance, to the contrary, these alcohol dependent people need to drink in order to function on a regular basis while maintaining their facade as they associate with the outside world.

Ask anyone who has seen them when they are engaging in one of their drinking binges or in a drunken stupor or ask a family member about the problem drinker’s alcohol dependency, nonetheless, and they will be quick to articulate the truth of the drinker’s situation and the essentials about the alcoholic’s drinking predicament and about his or her alcohol induced predicaments.

Why Do People Addicted to Alcohol Fail to Address Their Drinking Problems?

As alcohol addiction research and statistics on alcohol abuse have underscored, no matter how evident the alcohol-related issues seem to those who interact with the alcoholic, alcoholic people often deny that drinking is the cause of their alcohol induced problems. Not only this, but alcohol addicted people regularly blame their alcohol-related difficulties on other individuals or upon other situations that surround them rather than seeing their part in the problem.

The origin of the predicament is that alcohol dependency is a disease of the brain. Once the drinker has become addicted to alcohol, he or she normally resorts to denial, manipulation, and lying as a way of dealing with the fact that his or her drinking is out of control. And to make matters more difficult, the experience of alcohol withdrawal symptoms frequently thwarts the alcohol addicted individual’s rare attempts to suddenly stop drinking. As grim as the alcohol addicted person’s life is, to the contrary, the good news is that competent help is commonly obtainable – if the alcohol dependent individual reaches out and seeks alcoholism counseling.


Owning up to the fact that drinking is eliciting difficulties in your day by day functioning is perchance the easiest way to find out if you have a drinking problem. Stated more precisely, if your drinking is causing issues with your health, with your employment, in your relationships, with your finances, at school, or with the legal system, then you have a drinking problem that needs to be resolved.

If you have a drinking problem, what is more, this means that you are getting involved with excessive drinking.

While some problem drinkers may be able to detect their “alcohol signs,” pinpoint their difficulties, and greatly decrease the amount and rate of their drinking, other drinkers, nonetheless, need to tackle their drinking problems by getting quality alcoholism therapy. What’s more, due to their propensity to deny the facts and distort the truth, alcohol dependent individuals positively require quality alcoholism rehabilitation for their irresponsible drinking.