My Brain Tumour

‘After waking up one morning in mid June, I stretched as you do at the start of a new day and during this stretch my lower leg started to kick involuntarily…..So, what was all that about? I thought I may have trapped a nerve in my back or hip. Now why I thought that I have no idea. I have no medical training! It just seemed like a plausible explanation at the time’.

‘We are asked to take a seat in reception and after a short wait the Radiologist approaches us with the envelope containing my MRI images. He smiles a welcome, then he hesitates, looking a little unsure of himself. As he is just about to hand them over to me he says, "No, can I ask you to come into my office please?".’
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Intelligence Intensity

What we’ve discovered about our amazing minds in only the past ten years is mind blowing: nerve-racking living may really wipe out brain cells … and low self-regard contracts your brain up to twenty percent. Then your intelligence quotient, power to get happy and accomplish personal success goes right down the drainpipe … along with your brain power and positive thinking.

Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it. Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover the secrets that increase your brain power everyday!
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30 Days – Adult ADD Medication Free

After suffering from side-effects while taking medication for ADD as a child, Hailey was determined to learn to control her ADD without the use of drugs.

Nothing about what she learned from her specialist was anything specific for people with ADD. There was no special training or therapy. Even worse, the Franklin Covey planner was too complex and it actually caused problems with her ADD.
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How anyone can do more pull-ups… even if you’ve never done a single one in your entire life…

Frankly, it doesn’t matter if you’re struggling to do one pull-up or if you’re banging out multiple pull-ups and just want to take your game to the next level… I can help you get there. Just watch the video to the right if you’re not convinced.
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Fear of Flying Phobia – Takeoff Today! Get Your FREE Fear of Flying Report and Overcome Your Flying Anxiety

The Takeoff Today program will help you better understand your experience of flying, cope with your anxiety or even panic on board the plane, and put your fears behind you. Use it to tackle your fears and discover how to fly in comfort and confidence."

Take just a minute and imagine you’re on board an airplane, going someplace you’re really looking forward to visiting. You’re relaxed and comfortable in your seat, with a calm, quiet mind when you notice that you’re actually enjoying the peace and quiet of the flight. You hear the steady ‘whoosh’ of the engines and find it soothing, like the sound of waves breaking randomly and steadily on the ocean shore. What used to cause you so much stress and anxiety has become something you actually look forward to as a time for you to let go and just be at peace.
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Photographic Memory

Chances are, you would most likely remember up until a week ago, perhaps even two, but rarely would anyone remember anything in absolute finest detail past that particular length of time.

" Your Brain Maintains Itself By Periodically Filtering And Clearing Out Unnecessary Information. "
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