Cildhood Asthma

Keyword: childhood asthma
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A Guide To Childhood Asthma

In recent times, childhood asthmahas become more widespread. It has become one of the most prevalent chronic illnesses in the children forcing more and more kids to miss school, and limit their activity level. The underlying cause of childhood asthma is similar to that of adult asthma-inflammation of the airways. The inflammation makes the airways very sensitive which is responsible for coughing, wheezing or serious flare-ups that interfere with normal breathing.

Childhood Asthma Symptoms

Childhood asthma can be very bothersome, interfering with everyday sports, play, sleep and school. Childhood asthma can also cause serious or life-threatening asthma attacks. Some of the most common childhood asthma symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing sound when exhaling, chest tightness or congestion, trouble sleep due to shortness of breath, fatigue, and troubled breathing after exercise or active play.

The symptoms of childhood asthma changes from child to child. Wheezing is the most common symptomof asthma, but not all children suffering from asthma wheeze. It is merely possible to tell if the symptoms are caused by asthma. Symptoms like respiratory problem or infectious bronchitis can cause asthma.

If there is whistling sound when child exhales, constant coughing, complaint of chest tightness, shortness of breath or repeated episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis, take your child to the doctor as soon as possible.

Causes And Treatment Of Childhood Asthma

In children suffering from asthma, the immune system becomes overly sensitive, and airways become easily swollen and inflamed when exposed to certain triggers such as allergens or smoke. Some of the common triggers of childhood asthma include viral infections, exercise, allergens, tobacco smoke or weather changes.

The main aim of asthma treatment is to get it under control. When well-controlled, the child will have no symptoms, no flare-ups, minimal use of rescue inhalers, and no limitations physical activity. Preventive medication helps reduce the airway inflammation, and quick relief medications open the swollen airways so that breathing becomes easier.

To control and cure the childhood asthma in the long-run, various medication such as inhaled corticosteroids, combination inhalers, leukotriene, cromolyn, and theophylline are used. If the asthma is not getting under control by avoiding triggers, immunotherapy may be helpful.

Changes in lifestyle can help in facing the childhood asthma. This includes using the air conditioner, making home more asthma friendly, keeping the indoor air clean, maintaining low humidity level, reducing pet dander, reducing child’s exposure to cold air, and keeping the house clean.

Additionally, help your child stay fit and healthy with the help of regular exercise, healthy diet, and controlling the heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Treating an Asthma Attack: What Are the Options?

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. Asthma is a very serious and common disease, one that affects millions of people around the world. And the number of sufferers climbs continually.

Although there isn’t a cure for asthma, there are a variety of asthma treatments to help prevent or relieve the condition. It can be managed to the place where they can go about their lives in a normal fashion without experiencing constant asthma symptoms.

Treating an Asthma Attack

Prevention is the preferred method of treating an asthma attack. Learn which conditions set off an attack, and do your best to avoid them. Still, there will be instances when you’ll experience asthma symptoms no matter what you do. Therefore, it’s critical that you learn how to manage an asthma attack.

Keep in mind that when it comes to asthma, not all attacks are the same. At times, your symptoms might be more severe than others. In a serious asthma attack your airways can constrict to the point that insufficient oxygen travels to your body’s vital organs. This is considered to be a medical emergency. People can even die from severe asthma attacks. If you are among the huge number of individuals who experience asthma, it’s critical that you realize the seriousness of this condition.


Usually, medication is used to control an asthma attack. It can help asthma sufferers keep their condition under control and ward off an attack before it becomes serious. Asthma remedies are taken either orally or inhaled as a vapor using a metered dose inhaler.

There are two kinds of medication available for treating the problem. A bronchodilator will help out by keeping spasms in check. Anti-inflammatory treatments work by reducing the inflammation in the airways. If your asthma is particularly severe, your doctor may suggest that you use a combination of both.

These days there is a variety of prescription treatments that you can try:

*Accolade and Singulair, which are leukotriene inhibitors
*long-acting bronchodilators such as Famoterol and Serevent, and
*Aminophylline or Theophylline.

Your doctor will know which one is best for you, and might even have some suggestions for some natural asthma remedies.