Female Fat Loss Over Forty

Do you know what it’s like to hit 40 and watch your body slowly deteriorate from “pretty good” to soft and overweight?

Hi, my name’s Shawna Kaminski, Certified Personal Trainer and author of the best-selling book, “Female Fat-Loss Over Forty” and if you’re anything like the hundreds of women I’ve worked with in the past, then what I’m about to reveal to you will not only help you today…it’ll change the way you think about getting a toned, sexy body forever.
Continue reading Female Fat Loss Over Forty

Know the Treatments Available for Controlling the Aging process

As we grow older, we become more inclined to learn about how we can control or even eliminate the [tag]aging process[/tag]. This can include surgery, skin care products, exercise regimens, and eating habits. Many times people tend to lean towards the methods that will work the fastest, but that isn’t necessarily the best route to take and may not be the most effective or beneficial. Because of this, it’s important to know about the different ways to control the aging process so you can choose the method that’s right for you. Continue reading Know the Treatments Available for Controlling the Aging process