There is good reason to suspect that if an individual develops blood pressure that reads as high systolic low diastolic; then they will be at greater risk of developing cardiovascular conditions than someone whose blood pressure is more or less normal. The presence of blood pressure; high systolic low diastolic means that there is greater likelihood that a heart attack or stroke is just around the corner – at least studies conducted by the UC Irvine seem to suggest that this is the case.
Findings Of UC Irvine Study On Blood Pressure High Systolic Low Diastolic
This UC Irvine study that was conducted by Dr. Stanley Franklin and his colleagues at UC Irvine who were studying heart disease prevention which was also associated with Framingham Heart Study, showed after studying data related to thousands of patients that blood pressure high systolic low diastolic was virtually a certain predictor that the patient would suffer from various heart ailments.
What’s more, studies on blood pressure high systolic low diastolic also seemed to suggest that the systolic pressure readings were superior when it came to predicting future cardiovascular troubles in older as well as middle-age persons. Furthermore, blood pressure high systolic low diastolic would almost guarantee that a person with such blood pressure readings would have great risk of experiencing cardiovascular problems.
At present, systolic reading of one hundred and forty along with diastolic reading of ninety and any reading above these numbers point to imminent risk of cardiovascular failure. However, the UC Irvine study seems to suggest that blood pressure high systolic low diastolic is a more relevant pointer toward establishing risk of impending heart attacks and strokes and that therefore these measurements should be given greater weight.
Blood pressure high systolic low diastolic in which diastolic reading is below 70 mm Hg along with systolic reading of 120 mm Hg are normal conditions and there is not much risk of developing heart related problems. It is only when the blood pressure high systolic low diastolic occur simultaneously that there is greater risk to the health of the concerned individual. The reason why blood pressure high systolic low diastolic gives rise to concern is that at these blood pressures the person’s arteries will stiffen and that is not good for a person’s cardiovascular health.
A high diastolic blood pressure reading should warn you that your blood pressure is not the way that it should be. In fact, if the readings is more that 90, it shows the symptoms of hypertension and need of taking remedy immediately.